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Personal Training Integrating Science & Health

Personal Training Integrating Science & Health


This is a foundational course for all Personal Trainers. A digestable yet comprehensive seminar in which all PTs should have the basic understanding prior to creating exercise programs. 


If you are looking to improve your client's wellbeing, improve your own health, increase your reputation as a trainer or therapist, increase your revenue and connect with other health and medical practitioners then this downloadable seminar is for you. 


This Seminar was created by Claud Serjeant for Personal Trainers, Holistic Movement Therapists, Massage Therapists and anyone who is interested in real health! Claud believes the knowledge contained within this seminar should be the baseline in health education for all practitioners. The seminar covers 4 key points created by Claud that will add depth to the practioner's understanding of the body and health as a whole. 


This seminar is an opportunity to enhance your skills and reputation within the competitive health and fitness industry. 


After the seminar you will...


- Understand and be able to implement bespoke stretches and exercises for your client.

- Understand why your client has aches and pains in specific areas.

- Understand stressors that are affecting your client in more ways than one.

- Understand specific organic hormonal rhythms that if disrupted will slow down and even ruin your clients' progress and goals.

- Improve your clients health immediately by 80%

- Be able to tell your client about scientific research regarding true health.


"One body one chance"


  • Seminar Testimonials

    America - North Carolina

    The seminar was excellent!

    There is so much bullsh*t out there and people need to know and understand the truth.

    You connected everything together so well for all the material involved. 

    A complete whole body summary.....from posture, nutrition, hormones and nervous system....blending it with the physical training and making it a key educational piece for trainers, Strength Coaches, Physio’s, Chiro’s..Osteo’s , MD’s...etc ......made me want to keep learning more..

    Every Health Professional needs to integrate this approach for the patients and clients...You've "hit the nail on the head" with so many of your points in the seminar.

    I look forward to material you have to present for the future. 

    Would highly recommend this seminar to other professionals!

    Kelly Cap

    Owner at Trimov

    BSc Physical Ed & Health Sciences

    Minored in Sports Managment

    F.A.F.S, LPGA, Manual therapist, Strength Coach



    Claud with a few others comes top of my list, because in addition of being a specialist trainer, educator of Personal Trainers and therapists he's a husband and father who's taking good care of himself and family!

    I was very happy when I found out that he has an online seminar called ‘Personal Training Integrating Science and Health’ which is a prerequisite for an advanced seminar in the future, so I registered and honestly it's worth every single penny! 

    The seminar covers everything any decent Personal Trainer, Therapist, Athletic Coach or a healthy human needs to truly understand posture, exercise sequencing, fibre type loading, planes of motion and machines vs free weights. He then wraps up the seminar talking about the stressors that impact the human body, hormonal system and the impact on anti-aging. 

    The seminar was very easy to follow with very good visual aids.

    Claud in less than two hours covers everything any conscience human needs to know and understand to live a happy and healthy fit life in our modern day complicated materialistic world!

    Hamad Aljassam

    C.H.E.K Exercise Coach, C.H.E.K HLC 1



    I have attended Claud's seminars and what a source of knowledge he is. I have improved my fitness knowledge greatly and would recommend it to anyone who wants to learn about posture, diet and many other aspects of health and fitness. Looking forward to another one very soon! Thank you Claud. 

    Sylwia Buczko

    General Manager Everyone Active Gym London

    Personal Trainer


One Body One Chance

© 2023 Claud Serjeant

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